A selection of healthy, freshly-baked, bakery items produced with the Keto PowerFlax Baking Mix, as part of Food is Medicine.


The Rising Demand for “Food as Medicine” in Commercial Bakeries

The concept of “food as medicine” is gaining traction in the food industry. This idea emphasizes the role of nutrition in health and disease prevention. As more consumers seek out foods that promote wellness, commercial bakeries have a unique opportunity to expand their offerings.

Recent summits, such as those hosted by the US Department of Health and Human Services and the Food as Medicine Institute at Tufts University, have highlighted the importance of integrating nutrition into healthcare policies. These events stress the need for accessible, nutritious foods to support community health.

Keto PowerFlax Baking Mix aligns perfectly with this movement. Our flax seed-based mix caters to health-conscious consumers, including those on keto, vegan, and low-carb diets. By incorporating Keto PowerFlax into their product lines, commercial bakeries can attract a broader customer base and boost profits.


Understanding the Movement

The “food as medicine” movement advocates for the integration of nutritious food into healthcare. It emphasizes that what we eat plays a crucial role in preventing and managing diseases. This movement has gained significant momentum through various summits and events.


A "Food as Medicine: display of healthy foods including salmon, avocado, flaxseed and a variety of vegetables and grains
Recent summits have highlighted the importance of integrating nutrition into healthcare policies.


Recent Summits and Their Impact

In January 2024, the US Department of Health and Human Services hosted its first Food as Medicine Summit. In April, the Food as Medicine Institute at Tufts University held its second annual summit. More recently, the Food as Medicine Summit took place in Chicago during the inaugural Future-of-Food Week in May.

These gatherings highlight the link between nutrition and health. They stress the importance of easy access to nutritious foods for wellness and disease prevention. Experts at these events argue that food choices and food security should be part of US policy.

Danielle Nierenberg, president of Food Tank, noted that many cultures have used food to treat and prevent diseases for generations. However, in US medical schools, less than 1% of lecture hours are dedicated to nutrition. She emphasized that health policies recognizing the connection between well-being and nutrition can transform lives.


The “food as medicine” movement advocates for the integration of nutritious food into healthcare. It emphasizes that what we eat plays a crucial role in preventing and managing diseases.

This movement has gained significany momentum through various summits and events.


Addressing Food Security and Economic Benefits

Nierenberg pointed out that some US communities lack access to nourishing, fresh foods. She believes the food industry can help. Interventions can include medically tailored meals, produce prescriptions, and stronger nutrition security programs. For example, a national produce prescription program could save about $40 billion in healthcare costs each year by providing discounted or free fruits and vegetables alongside nutrition education.

Sherry Frey, vice president of total wellness at NielsenIQ, discussed the impact of inflation on healthier food choices. Many Americans prioritize spending on pets over fresh produce. Lower-income households, in particular, struggle to buy healthier foods, especially fruits and vegetables. Innovations by food manufacturers have improved whole grain consumption among these households, but more progress is needed.

Krista Toder, chief operating officer of Eat Ahara, emphasized the effectiveness of food and nutrition in preventing and managing chronic disease. However, she stressed that approaches must be evidence-based and affordable. Low-income households seek products that meet immediate needs, such as foods supporting pregnancy, muscle health, sleep, and diabetes management.


Small Changes with Big Impacts

Kerry Hackworth, director of nutrition affairs at the National Dairy Council, highlighted that small dietary changes can significantly impact health over time. She advocates for combining plant and animal-sourced foods to fill nutrient gaps and prevent disease. Reducing sugar and sodium in food products also resonates with consumers.

In summary, the “food as medicine” movement underscores the need for nutritious food choices in healthcare. By addressing food security and making healthier options more accessible, we can improve health outcomes and reduce healthcare costs.


The “food as medicine” movement underscores the need for nutritious food choices in healthcare.

By addressing food security and making healthier options more accessible, we can improve health outcomes and reduce healthcare costs.


The Role of Commercial Bakeries in Promoting Health

Commercial bakeries play a crucial role in promoting health and wellness. By offering nutritious products, bakeries can meet the growing consumer demand for foods that support health and well-being.


A selection of healthy, artisan breads, produced with Keto PowerFlax Baking Mix
There is a growing consumer demand for foods that support health and well-being.


Challenges and Opportunities for Bakeries

One of the main challenges bakeries face is providing healthier options without compromising taste. Consumers are looking for foods that are both delicious and nutritious. Bakeries that can strike this balance have a significant opportunity to attract a broader customer base.

The “food as medicine” movement highlights the importance of nutrition in preventing and managing diseases. This creates a unique opportunity for bakeries to contribute to community health. By offering products that align with health-focused dietary guidelines, bakeries can help consumers make better food choices.


Bakeries that can provide healthier options without compromising taste have a significant opportunity to attract a broader customer base.


Meeting Consumer Demand for Healthier Options

There is a clear demand for healthier food options. Consumers are increasingly aware of the impact of their food choices on their health. They are looking for products that support specific health goals, such as weight management, diabetes control, and improved heart health.

Commercial bakeries can respond to this demand by expanding their product lines to include items made with health-promoting ingredients. Products like Keto PowerFlax Baking Mix offer an excellent solution. This versatile mix allows bakeries to create a wide range of low-carb, high-fiber, and nutrient-dense baked goods.


A display of healthy, freshly-baked bakery items, produced with Keto PowerFlax Baking Mix.
Keto PowerFlax Baking Mix can produce a wide range of low-carb, high-fiber, and nutrient-dense baked goods.


Supporting Community Health

By providing healthier options, bakeries can play a significant role in supporting community health. Nutritious baked goods can help prevent and manage chronic diseases, contributing to overall wellness. Bakeries that offer health-focused products can become trusted partners in their customers’ health journeys.

In addition, bakeries can support local health initiatives by participating in programs that promote better nutrition. For example, bakeries can collaborate with healthcare providers to offer produce prescriptions or nutrition education programs. These initiatives can help make healthier food choices more accessible to everyone.

Commercial bakeries now have a unique opportunity to promote health and wellness by offering nutritious products. By meeting the growing demand for health-focused foods, bakeries can attract more customers and support community health.


Food as Medicine: The Economic Benefits

Offering health-focused bakery products can bring significant economic benefits. By catering to the growing demand for nutritious foods, commercial bakeries can increase their customer base and profits.


Financial Benefits of Catering to Health-Conscious Customers

Health-conscious customers are willing to pay a premium for products that meet their dietary needs. This trend opens up a lucrative market for bakeries. By offering products like Keto PowerFlax Baking Mix, bakeries can attract customers who prioritize health and wellness. These customers are often looking for low-carb, high-fiber, and nutrient-rich options.

In addition, the “food as medicine” movement has highlighted the value of nutritious foods in preventing and managing diseases. By aligning with this movement, bakeries can position themselves as providers of health-promoting products. This can enhance their brand image and attract a loyal customer base.


Health-conscious customers are willing to pay a premium for products that meet their dietary needs. This trend opens up a lucrative market for bakeries.


Consumer Willingness to Pay for Quality

Consumers are increasingly aware of the link between diet and health. This awareness translates into a willingness to pay more for high-quality, health-promoting products. Bakeries can capitalize on this trend by offering premium products that meet specific dietary needs.


A young woman is shopping for healthy bread in the grocery store.
Consumers are increasingly aware of the link between diet and health, and are willing to pay more for high-quality, health-promoting products.


For example, Keto PowerFlax Baking Mix offers a versatile, nutritious option that appeals to health-conscious consumers. By incorporating this mix into their product lines, bakeries can offer a wide range of low-carb, high-fiber baked goods. These products can attract customers who are looking for healthier alternatives to traditional baked goods.

Offering health-focused products can bring substantial economic benefits to commercial bakeries. By meeting the growing demand for nutritious foods, bakeries can attract more customers, enhance their brand image, and increase profits.


Consumers are increasingly aware of the link between diet and health.

Bakeries can capitalize on this trend by offering premium products that meet specific dietary needs.


Keto PowerFlax Baking Mix: An Ideal Example of  “Food as Medicine”

The Keto PowerFlax Baking Mix is a versatile and health-focused product that caters to a variety of dietary needs. This flax seed-based mix allows bakeries to create nutritious, delicious baked goods that meet the growing demand for healthier options.


What is the Keto PowerFlax Baking Mix?

Keto PowerFlax Baking Mix is a unique blend designed to produce low-carb baked goods. Its primary ingredient, flax seeds, is known for numerous health benefits, including high fiber content, omega-3 fatty acids, and essential proteins. This mix is perfect for consumers who are looking to manage their carb intake, such as diabetics and those on keto diets.


The mix is also vegan, making it suitable for plant-based diets. Additionally, it is kosher certified, ensuring it meets strict dietary laws and can be consumed by a broader audience. Keto PowerFlax Baking Mix is clean label, meaning it contains no additives during processing, which is increasingly important to health-conscious consumers.


Keto PowerFlax Baking Mix is clean label, meaning it contains no additives during processing, which is increasingly important to health-conscious consumers.


Health Benefits of Flax Seeds

Flax seeds are a loaded with nutrition. They are rich in dietary fiber, which aids in digestion and helps maintain a healthy weight. The omega-3 fatty acids in flax seeds contribute to heart health and reduce inflammation. Additionally, flax seeds provide a good source of protein, essential for muscle repair and growth.

Including flax seeds in baked goods can enhance their nutritional profile, making them a better choice for consumers looking to improve their diet. The health benefits of flax seeds align perfectly with the “food as medicine” movement, emphasizing the role of food in promoting health and preventing diseases.


A hearty, freshly-baked loaf of flax bread, produced with Keto PowerFlax Baking Mix
The health benefits of flax seeds align perfectly with the “food as medicine” movement.


The health benefits of flax seeds align perfectly with the “food as medicine” movement, emphasizing the role of food in promoting health and preventing diseases.


Keto, Vegan, and Clean Label

Keto PowerFlax Baking Mix is designed to meet the needs of various dietary preferences and restrictions. Its keto-friendly formulation ensures low carbohydrate content, making it ideal for those managing diabetes or following a ketogenic diet. The vegan nature of the mix caters to plant-based diets, which are increasingly popular among health-conscious consumers.

The clean label aspect of Keto PowerFlax Baking Mix is another significant advantage. Consumers today are more informed and concerned about the ingredients in their food. A clean label product, free from additives and artificial ingredients, is more likely to attract health-conscious buyers looking for transparency and quality in their food choices.


Versatility in Baking

One of the standout features of Keto PowerFlax Baking Mix is its versatility; this mix can be used to create a wide range of baked goods. This flexibility allows commercial bakeries to experiment with new products and expand their offerings without compromising on health benefits.

By incorporating Keto PowerFlax into their product lines, bakeries can offer innovative and nutritious options to their customers. This versatility not only meets diverse dietary needs but also helps bakeries stay ahead in the competitive market by providing unique, health-focused products.

Keto PowerFlax Baking Mix is a versatile, health-conscious choice that can help commercial bakeries meet the rising demand for nutritious foods. By offering products made with this mix, bakeries can attract a broader customer base and support the “food as medicine” movement.


Why Commercial Bakeries Should Choose Keto PowerFlax Baking Mix

Keto PowerFlax Baking Mix offers numerous benefits for commercial bakeries. This versatile, health-focused mix can help bakeries meet diverse dietary needs, enhance their product offerings, and attract a broader customer base.


Versatility of the Mix for Various Baked Goods

Keto PowerFlax Baking Mix is exceptionally versatile, allowing bakeries to create a wide range of products. From breads and crackers to cookies, cakes, pizza crusts, and waffles, this mix can be used in various recipes. This flexibility enables bakeries to expand their product lines without needing multiple specialized ingredients.

By incorporating Keto PowerFlax into their baking repertoire, bakeries can offer innovative products that cater to the growing demand for healthier options. This versatility also allows for creative experimentation, enabling bakeries to develop unique items that stand out in the market.


The versatility of PowerFlax allows for creative experimentation, enabling bakeries to develop unique items that stand out in the market.


Meeting Diverse Dietary Needs

The mix is designed to meet a wide range of dietary preferences and restrictions. It is keto-friendly, making it suitable for low-carb diets, including those for diabetics and individuals on ketogenic diets. The vegan formulation caters to plant-based diets, which are becoming increasingly popular among health-conscious consumers.

Additionally, Keto PowerFlax is kosher certified, ensuring it meets strict dietary guidelines. This wide appeal allows bakeries to serve a more diverse customer base, including those with specific dietary requirements or preferences.


Benefits of a Clean Label Product

Consumers today are more aware of the ingredients in their food and prefer products with clean labels. Keto PowerFlax Baking Mix is a clean label product, free from additives and artificial ingredients. This transparency appeals to health-conscious buyers looking for high-quality, natural foods.


A woman chooses a bread from the shelf in a grocery store
Consumers today are more aware of the ingredients in their food and prefer products with clean labels.


Offering a clean label product can enhance a bakery’s reputation and attract customers who prioritize ingredient transparency and quality. By using Keto PowerFlax, bakeries can align themselves with the “food as medicine” movement, emphasizing the importance of nutritious, additive-free foods.


Offering a clean label product can enhance a bakery’s reputation and attract customers who prioritize ingredient transparency and quality.


Expanding Customer Base and Increasing Sales

Health-conscious consumers are willing to pay more for products that meet their dietary needs. By offering baked goods made with Keto PowerFlax, bakeries can attract this lucrative market segment. The mix’s health benefits and versatility make it an attractive option for customers seeking nutritious, delicious baked goods.

Expanding the product line with health-focused items can also differentiate a bakery from its competitors. This unique selling proposition can help increase customer loyalty and drive repeat business. As the demand for nutritious, health-promoting foods continues to grow, bakeries that offer products like Keto PowerFlax Baking Mix are well-positioned to capitalize on this trend.


Expanding the product line with health-focused items can also differentiate a bakery from its competitors.


Enhancing Profit Margins

In addition to attracting more customers, Keto PowerFlax Baking Mix can help bakeries enhance their profit margins. Health-focused products often command higher prices, allowing bakeries to increase their revenue. In addition, the mix’s versatility means bakeries can reduce the number of ingredients they need to stock, simplifying inventory management and reducing costs.

By focusing on quality and health benefits, bakeries can create premium products that justify higher price points. This strategy not only boosts profitability but also strengthens the bakery’s brand as a provider of high-quality, health-conscious baked goods.

The Keto PowerFlax Baking Mix offers numerous benefits for commercial bakeries. Its versatility, ability to meet diverse dietary needs, clean label, and potential for expanding the customer base make it an excellent choice for bakeries looking to enhance their product offerings and increase profits.


Key Takeaways

The concept of “food as medicine” is transforming the food industry, emphasizing the critical role of nutrition in health and disease prevention. This movement presents an exciting opportunity for commercial bakeries to expand their product offerings and cater to the growing demand for health-focused foods.


The Importance of Food as Medicine

  • Recent summits and events underscore the importance of integrating nutrition into healthcare policies.
  • The “food as medicine” movement stresses that food choices and food security should be part of US policy.
  • Experts highlight the potential for nutritious foods to prevent and manage diseases.


Economic Benefits for Commercial Bakeries

  • Catering to health-conscious customers can significantly boost profits.
  • Health-focused products, like those made with Keto PowerFlax Baking Mix, can attract a premium market.
  • Programs like produce prescriptions demonstrate the economic viability of nutritious foods, saving billions in healthcare costs annually.


Advantages of Keto PowerFlax Baking Mix

  • Keto PowerFlax is a versatile, health-conscious baking mix suitable for a variety of dietary needs.
  • It is keto-friendly, vegan, and kosher certified, appealing to a broad customer base.
  • The mix’s clean label, free from additives, aligns with consumer preferences for transparency and quality.


Meeting Consumer Demand

  • There is a clear demand for healthier food options, driven by increased awareness of the link between diet and health.
  • Keto PowerFlax allows bakeries to offer innovative, nutritious baked goods that meet this demand.
  • Providing health-focused products can enhance a bakery’s reputation and attract loyal customers.


Expanding Product Lines and Increasing Profits

  • The versatility of Keto PowerFlax Baking Mix allows bakeries to create a wide range of baked goods.
  • By expanding their product lines with health-focused items, bakeries can differentiate themselves from competitors.
  • Offering premium, nutritious products can justify higher price points and boost profit margins.


The “food as medicine” movement presents a significant opportunity for commercial bakeries to expand their offerings and cater to health-conscious consumers. By incorporating Keto PowerFlax Baking Mix into their product lines, bakeries can attract a broader customer base, enhance their reputation, and increase profits.


Final Thoughts

The “food as medicine” movement is reshaping the food industry, highlighting the vital connection between nutrition and health. Commercial bakeries are uniquely positioned to lead this transformation by offering products that not only taste great but also promote wellness.

By incorporating Keto PowerFlax Baking Mix into their product lines, bakeries can meet the growing consumer demand for nutritious, health-focused foods. This versatile, clean label mix allows for the creation of a wide range of baked goods that cater to diverse dietary needs, including keto, vegan, and kosher diets.

Adopting health trends by offering such products can expand a bakery’s customer base, enhance its reputation, and boost profits. Health-conscious consumers are willing to pay a premium for high-quality, nutritious foods, making this a lucrative market segment. Additionally, health-focused products can differentiate a bakery from its competitors, driving customer loyalty and repeat business.

Now is the time for commercial bakeries to embrace the “food as medicine” movement. By integrating Keto PowerFlax Baking Mix into their offerings, bakeries can not only support community health but also achieve significant economic benefits. Seize this opportunity to lead the way in health-focused baking, ensuring a profitable and sustainable future for your business.


The “food as medicine” movement presents a significant opportunity for commercial bakeries to expand their offerings and cater to health-conscious consumers.

By incorporating Keto PowerFlax Baking Mix into their product lines, bakeries can attract a broader customer base, enhance their reputation, and increase profits.




Keto PowerFlax Baking Mix: Keto & So Much More!


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By powerflax.net

Laurie Tsemak is the founder and co-owner of PowerFlax Holdings Inc. and Red Square Bakery. Laurie and her husband, Mark have spent 34 years in the wholesale and retail baking field, focusing on innovative product development to serve health-conscious customers and forward-thinking commercial bakeries.

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