Senior black women working out.


Ozempic Withdrawal and Weight Gain

The journey to lose weight is complex, leading us to try various strategies. These include intense exercise, changes in diet, and sometimes, medical treatments like Ozempic. Ozempic is recognized for its effectiveness in managing weight and controlling diabetes. It offers hope to many seeking to lose weight. Yet, stopping Ozempic can bring its own challenges, such as withdrawal symptoms, notably weight regain.

This blog post examines the withdrawal symptoms from Ozempic, with a focus on weight regain. It also explores a promising solution: the ketogenic diet. A groundbreaking study from 2024 supports the ketogenic diet not just as a trend, but as a strategic method to counter the unwanted effects of stopping Ozempic.


Understanding Ozempic Withdrawal Symptoms


Overview of Ozempic

Ozempic, a widely recognized medication in the realm of weight management and diabetes control, functions by enhancing insulin release, suppressing appetite, and slowing gastric emptying. These mechanisms collectively contribute to weight loss and improved blood sugar levels in users.



Wegovy and Ozempic
The hard-earned progress in weight loss and improved health metrics can quickly be overshadowed by discouraging weight gain.


The Withdrawal Symptoms

Upon the cessation of Ozempic, users often report a set of withdrawal symptoms, with weight gain taking the forefront.

This weight gain is not merely anecdotal but is substantiated by clinical observations and patient reports. The abrupt discontinuation leads to a reversal of the body’s adjusted metabolic rate and appetite control, resulting in increased hunger and decreased satiety. This often culminates in significant weight regain, marking a concerning phase for those who have made considerable progress in their weight loss journey.

In fact, one year after withdrawal of once-weekly subcutaneous semaglutide 2.4 mg and lifestyle intervention, participants regained two-thirds of their prior weight loss, with similar changes in cardiometabolic variables.

How discouraging!


The Challenge of Weight Regain

The challenge of weight regain after stopping Ozempic is multifaceted, impacting individuals both physically and psychologically. The hard-earned progress in weight loss and improved health metrics can quickly be overshadowed by the discouragement of regaining weight. This not only affects the individual’s health but also their morale, underscoring the need for sustainable weight management strategies beyond pharmacological solutions.


One year after withdrawal of once-weekly subcutaneous semaglutide 2.4 mg and lifestyle intervention, participants regained two-thirds of their prior weight loss.


The Ketogenic Diet as a Preventive Strategy


Introduction to the Ketogenic Diet

The ketogenic diet features a high-fat, moderate-protein, and low-carbohydrate approach. It encourages the body to enter a state called ketosis. In this state, the body burns fat for energy instead of glucose. This leads to weight loss and numerous metabolic benefits. The shift helps reduce body fat, regulate appetite, and improve metabolic efficiency.


Insights from the 2024 Study

A landmark study conducted in 2024 provided substantial evidence on the ketogenic diet’s efficacy in managing weight regain among individuals discontinuing Ozempic.

Participants who transitioned to a ketogenic lifestyle post-Ozempic reported not just a stabilization of their weight but also significant improvements in their metabolic health. This study illuminates the ketogenic diet as an effective tool in counteracting Ozempic withdrawal symptoms, particularly weight regain.


Participants who transitioned to a ketogenic lifestyle post-Ozempic reported not just a stabilization of their weight but also significant improvements in their metabolic health.


Deep Dive into the 2024 Study: Ketogenic Diet’s Role in Managing Ozempic Withdrawal Symptoms

The groundbreaking 2024 study led by Dr. Shaminie Athinarayanan and her team at Virta Health, a US telehealth company specializing in the treatment of type 2 diabetes, set out to explore the efficacy of the ketogenic diet in managing weight and blood sugar levels during and after the discontinuation of GLP-1 agonists, such as Ozempic. Inspired by prior research indicating that low-carbohydrate diets could help control blood sugar and weight in individuals with type 2 diabetes, the team sought to test these findings in a practical, real-world setting.


An image of a confident woman standing in a residential setting.
Participants who transitioned to a keto diet post-Ozempic reported a stabilization of their weight and significant improvements in their metabolic health.


Study Design and Participant Overview

The study involved 308 adults residing in the US, all diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and receiving nutrition therapy at Virta Health. Initially, all participants were on GLP-1 agonists (Ozempic or similar drug).

The dietary intervention prescribed to them was stringent yet adaptable: they were to consume less than 30 grams of carbohydrates daily, or up to 50 grams for those following a vegan diet. Protein intake was set at about 1.5 grams per kilogram of body weight.

Importantly, participants were encouraged to eat to satiety, not focusing on caloric intake. This guidance was complemented by ongoing virtual support from health coaches and licensed medical professionals, ensuring participants received personalized advice and adjustments as needed.


Intervention and Follow-up

After three to nine months into the study, half of the participants made the decision to stop their GLP-1 agonist therapy. Both this group and those who continued their medication adherence maintained the ketogenic diet for an additional year. The longitudinal follow-up was critical to assessing the diet’s long-term impact on participants’ metabolic health.


Findings and Implications

At the conclusion of the study period, the researchers observed no significant differences in weight or blood sugar levels between participants who discontinued GLP-1 agonists and those who continued. Interestingly, the group that discontinued the medication experienced a minimal average weight gain of about one kilogram, whereas those who remained on the medication gained approximately two kilograms on average. Furthermore, most participants in both groups maintained blood sugar levels below the diagnostic threshold for diabetes.

Dr. Athinarayanan highlighted the significance of these findings: “This study suggests that the continued use of GLP-1 agonists is not necessary for many people if they have the right dietary intervention. You can discontinue these medications safely and effectively and maintain weight and blood sugar outcomes.”


“This study suggests that the continued use of GLP-1 agonists is not necessary for many people if they have the right dietary intervention. You can discontinue these medications safely and effectively and maintain weight and blood sugar outcomes.”

– Dr. Shaminie Athinarayanan, study co-author



The 2024 study by Athinarayanan and her team at Virta Health provides compelling evidence supporting the ketogenic diet as a potent intervention for managing weight and blood sugar levels, particularly in the context of Ozempic withdrawal. The findings underscore the possibility of discontinuing pharmacological treatments in favor of dietary adjustments without compromising health outcomes.

This research paves the way for a broader application of the ketogenic diet as a sustainable alternative for individuals looking to manage their type 2 diabetes and mitigate Ozempic withdrawal symptoms effectively.



The implications of this study are profound, suggesting that individuals discontinuing Ozempic could significantly benefit from adopting a ketogenic diet.


A Promising Post-Ozempic Path

Ozempic withdrawal symptoms, especially weight regain, present a significant hurdle for many. However, armed with the knowledge of the underlying causes of weight regain and a strategic dietary approach, individuals can effectively navigate this challenge.

The ketogenic diet, bolstered by recent studies, stands out as a promising solution to mitigate the effects of Ozempic discontinuation. By embracing this dietary strategy, individuals can maintain their weight loss achievements and embark on a sustainable path toward long-term health and wellness.



  • Patients Experiencing Weight Gain After Ozempic Discontinuation. HMP Global Learning Network
  • People Taking Obesity Drugs Ozempic and Wegovy Gain Weight Once They Stop Medication. CNBC
  • Weight regain and cardiometabolic effects after withdrawal of semaglutide PubMed
  • Impact of Glucagon-Like Peptide 1 Agonist Deprescription… Springer


Laurie Tsemak is the founder and co-owner of PowerFlax Holdings Inc. and Red Square Bakery. Laurie and her husband, Mark have spent 34 years in the wholesale and retail baking field, focusing on innovative product development to serve health-conscious customers and forward-thinking commercial bakeries.

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